Agitation, Annoyances, and Irritation
How many of you find yourself getting upset or irritated when someone or something bothers you? There are things that may happen...
Removing Pity from your Guest List
So, I must admit last week was draining! No, not because I was extremely busy or even that I had a long to-do list to tackle. But, it...
The decision to smile is truly powerful. It indicates that you are a survivor who, despite your pain, continues to work towards...
Attitude Adjustment
Your attitude determines your altitude. Meaning, your attitude can affect how high and how far you go in life. More importantly, it can...
Not Where you want to be Spiritually?
Don't Fret! It won't happen overnight. Like all great things, it takes time. A strong relationship with God is something you have to...
Can God Trust you to Work the Nightshift?
1 Thessalonians 5:5 “You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.” Well, can he?...
Lessons from the Storm
Today, I did one of the most spontaneous things that I have done in a while. It was storming, and I could hear the raindrops as they...
It's the Climb, Part I
Your achievements, failures, triumphs, and even defeats are all part of the climb. They are the experiences through which you gain...